THE SNAC DEFENDS YOU The SNAC has over 700 members, all professional authors from different areas of creation: writers, scriptwriters, dialogue writers, film directors, song writers, music composers, playwrights, radio drama authors, dubbing and subtitling authors, choreographers, scenographers, and multimedia authors. It is an organization at the service of those professionals. Its purpose is to help authors, to inform them on their specific social status, to advise them in the negotiation of their contracts, to support them in case of disputes, to act on their behalf in all kinds of situations, both as individuals and collectively. It also helps the authors by working alongside other professional organizations in defending the author's rights, both moral and economic. As a union, the SNAC is not entitled to administer the authors' economic rights. So it claims a total freedom of expression regarding the defence of the "Droit d'auteur". We would like to remind you that the notion of continental "Droit d'auteur" includes both a moral and an economic right and that the "copyright system" is not in force in French law. Although the various areas of creative production can bring about individual interests, there is an interest that is common to all: the defence of the "Droit d'auteur". The SNAC unites creators to defend their right to self-expression, their working conditions, their means of production. In a word: all that makes the birth of their works possible. It takes patience and perseverance to be an active member of a syndicate. The actions of the SNAC are effective thanks to a network of good wills put together, and also thanks to the clearly stated convictions of its members. |
![]() The Snac is the APCOE French member of ECSA, European Composer & Songwriter alliance
Visit ECSA official website Download the brochure Cultural policies in France What is a cultural policy? What actions can be taken to nurture and sustain creation in sectors such as visual arts, audiovisual and cinema, books, music or performing arts? What role can the State play? What role is there for civil society and the private sector? This brochure was written and published by the French Coalition for Cultural Diversity |
The SNAC organizes information meetings on professional topics. It can also arrange specific meetings at the request of its members.
The SNAC provides its members with regular information by means of its magazine - the Bulletin des Auteurs (The Authors' Bulletin) - and answers inquiries via electronic mail or telephone.
For members, the services of the SNAC (except for the Service of works' registration) are free of charge and available all year round from 9am to 7pm, from Monday to Friday.
Information and documentation:
Services from the SNAC to non-members
It may take some time before a work can be published, fixed on a medium, exploited and set into the catalogue of a collective society (SACEM, SACD, SCAM...). During that time, authors may have to give copies of this work to editors, producers or distributors. The authors may well appreciate to be able to prove that they are indeed the creators of the work, at a given date. Therefore the SNAC provides a service of registration of works for all authors and composers.
It is not necessary to be a member to register one or several works at the SNAC. The authors bring their work to the SNAC, along with all useful indications and documents, to identify the work and its author(s). By registering your work, you build up evidence that can be useful later, should the property of the work be questioned, or the legal nature of your intellectual participation to its creation.
The SNAC does not collect the economic "droits d'auteur" (or authors' fees) in the names of authors who register their work there. When a registered work is exploited, its author has two choices. According to the field of creation, he either has to become a member of the collective society entitled to collect his "droits d'auteur" for him, or he has to negotiate an author's contract so that they be paid directly to him.
The SNAC is present at the heart of a wide range of organizations, where the authors' interests are at stake, such as in the following organizations:
SNAC, 80 rue Taitbout, 75009 Paris, France.
Tél: 33-(0) - Fax: 33-(0)